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Warraymbaa Business Hub

Collarenebri-Galariinbaraay has large numbers of young people and adults who are unemployed, or underemployed, while also experiencing chronic shortages of jobs, businesses and services in areas of need.  Supporting the development of new Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal small business in town will help to create jobs and improve community amenity, while addressing high unemployment rates among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people addressing low educational completions.


In collaboration with the Galariinbaraay Reconciliation and Renewal Corporation (GRRC) the Healthy Communities Foundation Australia is exploring options for funding to support the development of new business including seed funding, training and job support funding.


The Warraymbaa Business Hub would be a small business and employment incubator supporting local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to acquire the skills to develop a business plan, access mentoring and seed funding, and employ local people in businesses that support the growth of Collarenebri.


For more information about progress on this initiative please subscribe to latest news.

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