Community Transport Collarenebri
Collarenebri to Moree
The Collarenebri to Moree route will run every week on a Thursday.
Travel times: Departing every Thursday from Collarenebri Galariinbaraay Community Hub at 8.30am, arriving in Moree at 10.30am, departing Moree at 2.30pm and returning to Collarenebri at 4.30pm.
How to book: Phone (02 4602 8900) or in person at the Healthy Communities office.
Pre-booking is required, with as much notice as possible. As this is a shared service, please allow plenty of advanced notice.
If there is no bookings the day prior, this service will not run.

Important information:
Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult while using this service.
Children aged between 0-7 must be in an approved child seat; the Healthy Communities has two child seats for use, 24-hours notice for a child car seat is required. The parent/caregiver is responsible for ensuring that children are correctly seated. For further information visit the website below.
Pick-up Location
Barraay Waraba (Fast Turtle) - Community Transport
The Barraay Waraba (Fast Turtle) service is an 11-seater vehicle that will provide a safe, reliable and essential transport services to the community of Collarenebri. Currently, services will run between Collarenebri, Moree and Walgett. This service is possible thanks to grant funding from Transport NSW.
Call 02 4602 8900 to book.
Collarenebri to Walgett
The Collarenebri to Moree route will run every week on Monday and Friday.
Travel times:
Every Friday, departing Collarenebri Galariinbaraay Community Hub at 8.30am, arriving in Walgett at 9.30am, departing Walgett at 1.30pm and returning to Collarenebri at 2.30pm.
Every Monday, departing Collarenebri Collarenebri Galariinbaraay Community Hub at 1pm, arriving in Walgett at 2pm, departing Walgett at 6pm and returning to Collarenebri at 7pm.
How to book: Phone (02 4602 8900) or in person at the Healthy Communities office.
Pre-booking is required, with as much notice as possible. As this is a shared service, please allow plenty of advanced notice.
If there is no bookings the day prior, this service will not run.

Important information:
Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult while using this service.
Children aged between 0-7 must be in an approved child seat; the Healthy Communities has two child seats for use, 24-hours notice for a child car seat is required. The parent/caregiver is responsible for ensuring that children are correctly seated. For further information visit the website below.
Penny Kay
Manager, Galariinbaraay Community Hub
11 WIlson Street
Phone: (02) 5809 9505
Email: pkay@thcfa.org.au
ABN: 29 097 201 020