Dhirri-li Education for Work Centre
The Dhirri-li Education for Work Centre was established in 2022 with funding support from the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Water and Climate Change, and the NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs.
The Dhirri-li Education for Work Centre is located in the Galariinbaraay Community Hub at 11 Wilson Street Collarenebri.
Students from Collarenebri who intend to enrol, or who are enrolled, in a TVET, Vocational or university program in a health or health related field (e.g. business, personal care, social work, education, nursing, allied health assistant, Aboriginal Health Worker, Aboriginal Wellness Worker) can apply to enrol in the Dhirr-li Education for Work Centre.
The Centre offers a dedicated study room for students including access to computers and high speed broadband. A self-contained kitchen is also available to students for use while they are at the Centre.
For students enrolled in clinical programs such as nursing, Aboriginal Health Worker or allied health assistant programs, the Centre offers a once weekly clinical skills program delivered by qualified nurses, allied health workers or Aboriginal Health Workers to enable students to build their confidence and clinical skills.
A dedicated Clinical Simulation Laboratory offers access to life-like mannequins for students to learn and practice first aid, CPR, the use of needles and human anatomy. An Aboriginal Medical Garden is also located at the Centre to provide students interested in traditional remedies with an opportunity to learn about ancient remedies.
The Centre also offers career development workshops each week which ordinarily involves workshops delivered by people from various professions providing students with practical insights into the profession, career opportunities and to network with established professionals.
Students that meet minimum attendance and participation requirements will be awarded a Certificate in Work Integrated Learning & Practice at the completion of their study that they can show to employers to demonstrate their commitment to study and skill development.

Interested in learning more about the opportunities available at the Dhirri-Li Education for Work Centre?
Penny Kay
Manager, Galariinbaraay Community Hub
11 WIlson Street
Phone: (02) 5809 9505
Email: pkay@thcfa.org.au
ABN: 29 097 201 020