The Healthy Communities Foundation Australia Ltd (the Foundation) celebrated the success of trainee Janice Thorne who recently graduated with a Certificate III as an Aboriginal Wellness Worker.
The Dhirri-Li Education for Work Centre was established by the Foundation in 2023 with funding from the Murray Darling Basin Authority and NSW Aboriginal Affairs. A work-integrated learning facility, trainees can undertake a vocational qualification in health or a related entry level role in their own town of Collarenebri, applying their academic learning in a real-life health practice with a highly supportive local staff.
"Rural towns like Collarenebri have many people available for work, yet still have chronic shortages of health professionals" said Mark Burdack, CEO of the Foundation.
"Rather than just trying to attract people to work and live in Collarenebri, our focus has been on skilling local people to perform critical roles in the health workforce.
"The Certificate III course for Aboriginal Health Workers and Aboriginal Wellness Workers was funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Western NSW PHN and Marathon Health. It is a great entry level qualification that produces graduates able to perform important roles in the community, while also acting as a jumping-off point for graduates who want to pursue further studies" said Mr Burdack.
The Dhirri-li Education for Work Centre was co-designed with the local community, and currently has 10 trainees enrolled in the work integrated learning program in a remote community.
"In a town with historically low rates of educational completion, the Centre has become a critical resource to give students something to aspire to. The health and aged care system is experiencing chronic shortages of workers. The Centre provides the sort of practical experience, and wrap around support, that new learners needs to succeed in a health or social service career.
"It is a fantastic example of how listening to communities generates new ways of solving local problems.
"Jan has been a fantastic part of the team during her training, and is now working as an Aboriginal Wellness Worker supporting the National Rural and Remote Suicide Prevention Program operated by the Foundation.
"We are all so proud to have Jan as a colleague and are amazed at her determination, and the knowledge she brought to the program and our organisation" said Mr Burdack.